About Us
Located in Vancouver British Columbia at TELUS World of Science, the Elements Film Festival presents independent wildlife, conservation and social conscience films from around the globe.
We are grounded in science and positive messaging, with programming for all ages. We feature keynote speakers, discussion panels on critical environmental topics and entertainment to complement our film schedule.
Our Goal
The health of our natural world is changing in ways that often seem out of reach for the average person to comprehend and effect change.
At Elements, we want to engage our community in discussion and promote understanding of critical environmental issues because each of us, individually and collectively, can make a difference to planetary health.
We present a showcase of the best environmental films from local, Canadian and international filmmakers with the goal of educating and inspiring action. We support these films with panel discussions, keynote speakers and educational initiatives to inspire the next generation of young documentary filmmakers.
Board of Directors
Duane Sharman
Maureen Sullivan